
Life in Brandon Is Not Cheap

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I went to Falkenburg Postal Store for sending a question about if I have a husband and I answered NO. (I wish I have him, but NO) to the administration of PA. And for my parents send back the New York license plate to DMV in Titus. So the cost of that is USD 8.28, wow.

After post office, I went to Brandon Town Center Mall with my parents for buying stuff we want except papi. My mami and I want a shake out and it cost me USD 8.54, wow. The girl was nice, but a black man, no. he look down at me, and maybe he think my style is from 2pac, but it is from 1950’s style! Well, I can’t read his mind. Only Jah know. Anyway, after Shake Out, we went to Rue21 and we selected the cool items are HB Metal one Leaves for mami and two free Flower for me, Paris Posh Fragrance and the belt one Pu Double Grommet for mami and two free Lips DNR Glitter Jean for me. All together cost is USD 23.51 with a local tax is 7%, like New York is expensive. Wow! I need a job so bad. Since Mal took my job away. Oh, well. 

No Service in the Deaf Area

Sunday, August 26, 2012

This morning I went out to service was not really preaching because while I travel, there was no return visit due to closing the gate for the new landlord. Plus, the secretary was focus on extreme expensive beautiful big houses on his iPad. He knows that these are worthless and follow the ‘simple life.’ Okay, I’m learning how to forgive his and the group mistakes.

I went to the Walmart and bought the things I need. In Brandon tax me 7 percent, I thought 6 percent, but it is not. So I have to accept as my New York life, 8 percent


Visit Cuban Son and His Family’s House

Monday, August 20, 2012

I went to the house of the Cuban Son, a guy who he had a crush on me. His sister is still living in my hometown with her son and husband. Wow, that was my last seen of them in late 2005. They are currently living in Ruskin, a nice area and remind me of Henrietta contains the ducks and geese swim on the pond. Okay, they are doing fine with their lives in Florida. And I thought that I bet a Cuban Son would forget his sign language but he know because of he cannot talk well. It was nice to hear from them again. 

Again Going to the Beach?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aw, again going to the beach? Why? Because of my family and friends want to go for cooling. But the beach contains only a warm which relate to the salt water that where the shark live. I can’t swim because not now but I can walk on the shore with my own feet.

I got four bites by fire ants and mosquitoes and cause me to itching so bad. Not again happened to back to 2007-08 in Puerto Rico!

Finally, I go home now after I have eaten in Burger King. It was kinda a nice time today.

Mami Convinces Me

Monday, August 13, 2012

Yesterday, I was not supposed to go to the beach because of I still need to complete my home school and my self-employed projects. The problem is mami convinced me to go out and spend a lot of times with family and friends for enjoy and so I lost a lot of times on my stuff yesterday. I had to be patient with her. She’s really a psycho and need a big help. I told her that I’m an adult, I don’t need parents. But she’s a pest. God! I wish I should not have living with bitch that makes me move back to my parents again.

An Occupation of My Bedroom and Kitchen

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I worked on my bedroom and somewhat kitchen all day. I feel tired and my back is killing me. I was asking to get support. But I decide to do myself because I don’t want to get mess such like thought of throwing the non-important stuff. I did hang my clothes, dresses, nice shirts, top tank shirts, and pant up, put the jewelry in the jewelry set, and the hair dresser on the travel bag (I haven’t buy the set for my hairdresser yet, but I will). It’s a lot works for me to be finished. 

Get Florida

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Again we left the hotel at 6am and traveled to Florida. But before we get Florida, we sometimes stop for the bathroom and eat. And then we traveled until we got Florida and met the Raven. Mami is so happy to get Florida. Good for her. 

During on the Way to South Carolina

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mami woke me up at like 5 in the early morning. I moaned because of not enough sleep for me. I was sleeping at 1:30am. Mami ignored me because we all had to leave for very far away until we dropped my niece, Rida off to her Maryland home.

During on the way… I saw South Border where my uncle, Manuel lived (now in Panama with his wife). I remember this place when I was 12, I was out loud to whatever the words I … It was fun.

We got the hotel, Day 4 Inns in South Carolina for only one night until tomorrow again 5am we leave. 

Rosy~N~YZ: Ruth 1:16, 17

Sunday, August 5, 2012

*Rosy as Ruth to not want to leave YZ
Oath to being a wife of YZ
Stay with YZ as forever
YZ, Rosy love as forever
“You’re mine, Rosy
Always, you’re mine, Rosy
Never leave you, I will
Underneath from the world
Ever I will not leave you
Love you, I love you Rosy forever”~YZ~

Will this going to happen? Let’s see. Good luck to the marriage of Rosy and YZ.

During the wedding day of Rosy and YZ, I was not smile but a half smile. I wish I should have married first, second is YZ, and then the third is Noki because they are younger than I am. But sadly, I can’t find the right man in my life. It was my last love, Chuckie in December 2004. So I haven’t had a man for almost eight years. It’s my emotion and grudge that I cry for the name of religion, JW. They sounds like want me to be a celibate woman as Paul in the Bible did. I thank mami for convincing me to break my relationship with Chuckie up and off my life. And encourage me to find the man in only JW.

*Rosy is not JW, she’s Christianity. 

Getting Lost in Paramus

Saturday, August 4, 2012

At half of 9 in the morning, we left Buffalo, my hometown for my brother’s wedding event in Hillburn. We traveled and I saw the wheels on the farm meadow. It is safe and clean air. Without it, it will be hazardous. I enjoyed this beautiful nature while I was on trip to Paramus.

We got Crowne Plaza hotel at lately 5:00pm. We were frustrated about getting lost in Paramus and could not find Hillburn. God, why did not YZ come to pick Noki up for practice?

Sleepover the Raven’s House

Friday, August 3, 2012

Charlotte Harbor town room is all empty. The inspector came to inspect it and said everything is fine and will refund us. Cool. But though, I have to pay back to the other new home, Bristol Bay.

We traveled to Buffalo for sleepover the Raven’s House for one night. And we watched some good movies, “The Adventure of Milo and Otis”, “Forrest Grumps”, and “The Jungle”. Also, we played with the dogs and cats. They are so fun! I love them!

In bedtime, I have a hard time to climb down the bed of Nieliz and Papote. Noki taught me how and oh. I did it, finally! 

Good-bye Rochester, Hello Tampa

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Today I had to help my parents to pack some of the stuff in the box. It’s a hard job and plus exhausted. But to add the Raven came to support us. Nice.

This is my last day of Rochester. I am going to say, ‘Good-bye Rochester, Hello Tampa.’

My Ruin Final Day Trip to Henrietta

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I woke up early in the morning and prepared a trip to Henrietta. Before I leave home, I asked papi USD 1.50 for bus all day pass. But he gave me USD 2.00. So he said in the car have USD .50 and I grabbed it. And then I left home immediately.

While I was in Henrietta, my sis, Noki text messaged me and told me that mami (actually is papi) threw some of my important stuff in the garbage. OMG – I was about to leave Henrietta immediately and checked stuff at home. WHEW! It is not important! But what my ruin final day trip to Henrietta! 


Make the List

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today I make the list for things to do in Tampa. What list do I made? Kitchen, bathroom, and my bedroom. I plan to paint the blue, purple, and yellow if a nice apartment allow. Let’s see. Others list I made is the department stores include Bed Bath & Beyond, and Aldi.

I researched the names of banks in Tampa. It is not easy to find the right bank. I prefer the bank to not neutral my budget control. And I found the physician if she’s right. Let’s see.

My New Haircut

Monday, July 30, 2012

I went to the private salon store and cut my hair. It’s beautiful and professional. This is much better than Supercuts. Supercuts made mistake of my selection. The cost of my new hair is USD 12.00. It’s a little bit expensive but a wise decision is I did not pick additional item, dry blower. Because of as you already know additional item lead to so expensive. 

What Happened to Me At Missing the Bus Stop?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This evening, I was waiting for the bus to come to pick me up at 5:40pm, nothing as I thought there is no bus, but then when I saw bus came late, I was so panic attacked to come in quickly. Whew!

However, the problem is I saw the road name is Beaver. I missed to stop the bus although I did not see my temple. I was not sure which way-left or right? Is it perhaps far from the bus stop? Well, there is no bus stop at the temple. So I decided to go home and rest. 

My Final Trip to Pittsford

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I woke up at 8:30am but I got up at 9am and got ready for my final trip to Pittsford. I am going to miss this classy and beautiful place. I have traveling there back to when I was living alone with Bond a several times. I usually attending to the Pittsford Community Library for computer and borrowing the material items. I love this so much. And I’m going to miss this library, too.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Suddenly, at 4am in the early morning, the thunderstorm woke me up and I was scared. I could not sleep after that happens until 7:45am, I took a shower. The camping bathroom is still dirty. So I had to endure with it. Anyway, after shower, we, my family and Raven were eating breakfast and preparing for home. But before that, we stopped at the Perry site of Letchworth Park for taking a break first and then we go home, because Raven have a long way to get to their home. And we, my family have a short way to our home. Finally, we are home! Letchworth Park was a nice time. 


Sunday, July 22, 2012

I woke up at 7:43am but I got up at 8:40am for swimming pool, although I waited until I feel hotter and then to swim. I did swim today. I had fun. I used my yoga-like skill for floating as to show that I’m relaxed. No thought of the past. I was just focus on that skill. Okay, who was I swimming with? Neil (whoever name) and Papote, the children of Raven had fun and enjoyed imitating my way of swimming skill (yoga-like). I know JW though not accept it but that is not relating to the religious thinking like Buddhist. I just enjoyed it. 

Letchworth Park

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I woke up at eight this morning and got up nothing but went back to sleep. Until eleven I got up, met my brother, YZ before he headed to work, and then I took a shower.

I did not go to the meeting because I thought I’m going to make chocolate chip cookies but latter day no gloves due to my low memorize. So, no selling bakes today.

On the way to Letchworth Park, I was listening to the nine songs of Kylie Minogue. Her voice is beautiful for singing. I love her! Anyway, I arrived at Letchworth Park and had fun at the playground. 


I Do Not Buy Bicycle in Walmart :(

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Yesterday I went to Walmart with my parents. None of the bicycle I want because of it is too expensive for me to buy. The prices of it are $100.00 to $200.00. I only have $80.00 in my bank. I do not know why I have that money. Maybe when I have a problem with security key, it charges me more like taking my $100.00 away from me or else I have not checking my bank account yet. I will need to go to the bank on Monday morning.

Still Old Life :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Recently about Thursday night, I was waiting for someone to bring me home. I’m so tired of it. I have my learner’s permit but it expired last year. The reason of my sadness is no one teaches me how to drive a car for five years. God! They are all so mean people. Ah! I wish to have a new life. I’m tired of my currently life. I need to give it up and start new. But it still nothing happens. Oh, well. 

Frustrates With the Security Key

Friday, November 18, 2011

In three days ago, I was so frustrated with my security key which have updated to the newest version of it. It is very new to me. So I called the bank for help but leaving empty helpful message. The next day, I had to go to the bank and explained that situation. But the bank manager did not understand, though you know my English is not good to the skillful English-spoken people. I will have to do it again next time. God, why do people waste my time? No one get my words as my words are worthless. Oh, well. 

The Two Men Fight

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Before the meeting, I took my home bus. And the two men were fighting for about ten minutes. I do not know what they fight for. Other people know but I not understand because my hearing is blurred and I cannot get the words. Sometimes I can get them, but not at all. However, when I hear the song “Can’t Get You out of My Head” that Kylie Minogue sang, my hearing is following and gets the words at all. But without lyrics, I cannot understand her singing words. So that is very interesting. Anyway, so the two men were kicking out of the bus because the cop came to get them and I arrived to meeting on time. Whew! But something bother me about the songs that only men can sing, no women allow singing the songs. I do not believe that. They have no right to judge me interest in writing poetry and lyrics for Jah. This is totally nonsense. I currently continue to research more.



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yesterday, I felt the earthquake for about three minutes. That was scared me. It was on the news right now. My sister said, “The earthquake will come on this weekend. Everyone is hysterical.” I ask myself, “Will I give up my things while the earthquake is here?” the answer is in the Bible says, “These things are valueless.”

Today is Rain Outside

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Today I was supposed to meet LoriZ but I decided to stay at home because of darkness and it’s raining outside. Let see what she will say to me on this week or next week.

A Visit to My Hometown

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yesterday, I was happy to hear again. My hearing aids had a broken tube, but now it fixed. After appointment, I went to my hometown with my family and visited to the family and their pets, dogs, cats, and a rabbit. I enjoyed associate with these pets and watch the movies.

Thereafter, we needed to go back home. It was very late night before midnight. And I needed to catch up my works. Oh, well. 

The Parents Want to Protect Their Children from the World

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Yesterday I went to the second day district convention. It discusses about how parents protect their children from the world. My mother want me to continue go to the regular meeting because she want me to live forever on the beautiful earth. I am currently research more about everything in the world.

I'm in Detroit and Learning about God’s Kingdom is Coming Soon

Friday, August 12, 2011

Yesterday I left home for Detroit with LoriZ. It was not easy for me to care for her. Because of she has a mind distraction which means that she focus on one thing, not just multiply things. I feel bad for her. But we are okay. We arrived to Detroit at 6:35pm. We ate a nice dinner. What did I eat? I ate BBQ chicken and healthy salad. I also drank a sugar-free iced tea. Its taste like water and that was good. Where do I sleep? I am in LoriZ’s friends, the couple and their children’s house. That family is nice.

Today is the first day of district convention. It discusses about God’s Kingdom is coming soon. I pick the point is no more acting like greedy. But I myself need to change that way because of other people feel that it is not fair for what I have. I need to learn how to share with them.