
Guilty About Against "Marry Only in the Lord"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today I felt guilty about that I went out alone with a man after a Career Fair to his home. This is against the scripture. The scripture says, “Marry only in the Lord.” This means that any man who believes in Jehovah like I do can go ahead and marry me. Interesting to that man saying, “You and woman go out and have fun thing to do is really lesbian. But if you go with me, that is not a homosexuality. Because of I believe that a woman have no power to protect you. But a man can protect you. If you have him, you will be successful.” After I had said “NO” to him, I left him. And he said, “I get lost.” I walked to the downtown bus stop area with my shameful feeling. And I have no idea of why I have to ride a bus with the public men who really want me. While I wait for the bus to home, I noticed that a woman snapshotted me. It’s strange. I do not know who she is. What did I do to her? Did I make her wrong? Am I a bad woman? I don’t get it. What the hell wrong with the world? And what wrong with the men who really want me? They’re not in Jehovah. God damn this world!