
Oral Issue

Monday, April 22, 2013

Again I woke up at 5 0'clock in the morning and I got something to do. 

I got something to tell you what I missed writing about before April 11, 2013. On the 4th of this month, I was finally went to dental appointment. However, without a professional interpreter, Mother was feeling pain her neck. But a good thing she did try to help me get information from dentist. He explained to me the same info as I got from three years ago in Eastman Institute for Oral Health. I have an oral issue. The symptoms of this are gum disease, tooth decay, and jaw pain. Other than these are more complicates. I was supposed to have oral surgery in 2010 but was postponed due to miscommunication. I hope here in Tampa, thing is going well to my condition.

I will write more tomorrow.

Yours, Loiriam