
Back to School and I'm still learning :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Yesterday was the first day of September. Soon the children will all going back to school. But some of them are already back to school in early August. I miss the school and the schoolmate but is good to have no homework for me. Because of homework gives me stress. However, homework is a good thing that give teacher an easy job. Anyway, school is a good place for people to learn. Without school, how will they know? It is important to keep the education in people’s life. So I finish graduated high school. But, is that all I am done with school? There is more I can do to keep learning something new. I still take the classes by myself teaching. It is all called myself a self-schooled lady. What classes am I taking? I am taking French, Bible Study, History, Global Studies, Life Study, Biography, and after classes’ activities are art, photography, nature, heart intensity, photo/video/writing editing, and ASL performances. These are never letting me stop doing.


My Renewed Facebook/ Picking up Mother and Noki From Airport

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

 Last Saturday, I renewed Facebook account for the Bible, my family, my friends, and my fans. Right now I still clean up the stuff from first Facebook account after nearly six years of that period. I want to restart the new Facebook like a book of life.

Yesterday, I, papa, and Brother Rosado travelled together for picking up Mother and Noki up from Orlando airport. After we picked them up, we went out to eat McDonalds and then visited to International route where there are so many excited people have fun. We had a good time. Mother and Noki had a wonderful time at their beautiful vacation in San Diego, California. I wish I could go but I did not have a good saving account due to the cruel selfish of Bond. The good thing is Maria, a Mexican woman who has a good saving account is to receive a lot of coupons. She suggests us to look for coupons from the garbage or get from a nice neighbours who don’t want coupons. We thanked her! She’s like a Mexican poetess received many coupons for her honeymoon in Paris with her future poet husband, Alan. Luck them! Maybe I will try and see if that is working for me to reach Paris.


What is the truth? Talked by 3 days Convention

Monday, July 29, 2013

I want to tell you about what happened to me in the last weekend. I went to district convention for three days. The theme of these is teaching me the truth. However, some scriptures do not match what the men are trying to teach me. I am strongly disagree with a man tell me to leave the pets out for the long journey. Because it sounds like the animal cruelty to me. I’m serious! I’m not laughing about that. Why I say that? Because of I believe that the animals are life and should not be killed. I want to be a vegetarian but Mother worries about my interest. She want me to eat any protein stuff. Okay. Anyway, so, the discourses are all about the truth – some not the truth to be honest. What is the truth? The truth is fact. It means what you see not what you hear the words. So why do I have to believe the discourses? I only believe in Jehovah God and the Bible. That it. Yours, Loi


The Ruthless Society

Monday, July 8, 2013

I want to write the subject of the ruthless society. Here is my story below:

There is the ruthless society happens as always in my life. No peace. The bad traits are distant, reserved, concrete thinking, reactive emotionally, unchangeable way, affected by feelings, easily upset, threat-sensitive, nonsense, rough, trustful not, dishonest, etc. all these are disastrous to the naïve.
            The word “ruthless” can be a low range as the rough personality. For example, demand to give the money is cruelty to the poor ones.
            The study of Behavioral therapy shows the way of patients do with other patients in the mental hospital. For example, a chair has no name. So what a patient do with that chair? He took it from other patient and that is so rude. If you have a friend who acts crazy, then you might want to help him get to the treatment.

In my belief, I do not want to associate with a person who is still act unkind to me. Do you agree? If not, then you think ridiculously.

That is all I wrote it. Yours, Loi

What I Was Doing for Today July 1st...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Today is July! And soon America will turn to 237 on Thursday.

I woke up early in the morning and did examine the scriptures Exodus chapters 22 to 24. And at 8:30am, I went back to study French and the Bible again. And at 10:30am, I made the nut-chocolate chip cookies! :) It’s making my day.

I went to the welfare office with my family and we grabbed the income that we need for the next lease of this nice apartment.

After welfare office, we went to Sam Club, Village of Market, and Family Dollars and we collected the big food and a folder that we need. With our good satisfaction. :)

Okay, that is all I said. Have a good night. Yours, Loi


Disappointed About No Ride Show Up

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I was supposed to have my first psychiatrist appointment today. But the problem is no ride show up at my apartment. I am disappointed. I don’t know what’s going on and why no ride show up. I called the Health Care and found out apologize to me. Nice excuse. Well, I try my best to forgive them. Tomorrow morning appointment with my doctor, I hope it will not happen again. I need doctor because of I’ve been sick and fatigue most of the time.

Tonight I checked email and received no reaction from my appealing letter about “Territory H 47”. I think a “spiritual brother” ignore the note that I added to write and “he” prefer me to meet in person on Saturday. Wait and see; I hope I receive an email tomorrow. But if not, then fine with me. 

Inappropriate for preaching the sinning area, nude bar?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

After meeting, I gave the orange folder “Territory H47” with my appealing letter from recently Sunday service… I was not happy to serve with my elder and young “spiritual brother”. However, I gave them a half smile. Anyway, about the letter that I wrote. This is all about if it is inappropriate for preaching the sinning area. Here is a picture of what I wrote below:

The letter above must be serious to think is wrong to preach the nude bar. So, what will the letter receivers react? Let’s see of what will happen on Saturday.

Okay, that is all I said. Have a good night! Yours, Loi 

Bus Driver Fired Over Facebook Post - CNN News

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 

I woke up at 5am and got up at 5:30am to do something. I read the news about the school bus driver, Johnny Cook got fired from casual superintend. The reason why he got fired is because Johnny had post his Facebook about a middle school boy told him that he got hungry all day. The school don’t give him lunch, they only charges him forty cents. The boy do not have these cents on his account. Plus, the school cafeteria throws the unwanted food away and not feed him. That is SO wrong. How can that boy survive without food? What is wrong with that school system? Sadly, Satan is in this school.

I went back to self-schooled lady and study French, the Bible, post the self-employed article on Triond, and watched Anne Frank documentary on YouTube. Also, I study the English vocabulary words, the new words from Snow falling on cedars book. It’s fun to learn and never want to stop. I keep my mind busy and an effort to move on although I still struggle to eliminate the dark past.