
Bus Driver Fired Over Facebook Post - CNN News

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 

I woke up at 5am and got up at 5:30am to do something. I read the news about the school bus driver, Johnny Cook got fired from casual superintend. The reason why he got fired is because Johnny had post his Facebook about a middle school boy told him that he got hungry all day. The school don’t give him lunch, they only charges him forty cents. The boy do not have these cents on his account. Plus, the school cafeteria throws the unwanted food away and not feed him. That is SO wrong. How can that boy survive without food? What is wrong with that school system? Sadly, Satan is in this school.

I went back to self-schooled lady and study French, the Bible, post the self-employed article on Triond, and watched Anne Frank documentary on YouTube. Also, I study the English vocabulary words, the new words from Snow falling on cedars book. It’s fun to learn and never want to stop. I keep my mind busy and an effort to move on although I still struggle to eliminate the dark past.