
My Day of Frustration

Friday, January 11, 2013

I got up real late in the same as yesterday, my goodness. I try to make a better routine for my day. For example, my family needs me. So I need to prepare before the day. And I did not do the flexible fitness yesterday and today. This makes me feel frustration. I wish do the best for my day. I try to keep my mind peaceful. It is not really easy. I do struggle every day and I really wanting to know when to stop. Okay…um…Today I had to go out with my family. It is not my mood but I had to.

Tonight I frustrated with AVS Audio Editor don’t allow me to put the music to my song. I don’t get it. Why can’t they let me keep my dream true? Well, people enjoy ruining my dream because they think that my dream is nothing. I am so tired of that. I wish them finish. I’m serious. They need to grow up and get a life. Okay, from now on, I need peace to me.