
My Old-Fashioned Family Picture

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My sister and I took two buses to our parents’ Spanish meeting at 1:15pm for the old-fashioned picture of Kmart in plaza. It would be at 5:30pm and the price was five dollars fee with only cash. Before that picture, we came to visit to my brother and his roommates’ house for his special dinner of wedding requested. My brother was nervous to propose his girlfriend. I still be a celibate woman because of some of my relatives view me as a wrong woman to the men. Well, I’m not ready for a man. Anyway, I enjoyed petting their dogs. Its soft and the colors are black, white, tan, and brown.

On the way to Kmart, my mother was supposed to stop at my bank for withdrawal the cash but she forgot. So my sister and I had to rush to get there. And my mother was missing to grab us to the bank. Oh, well.